Packages not in Groups

python-boto: A simple lightweight interface to Amazon Web Services

Name:python-boto Vendor:RazorsEdge Packaging <>
Version:2.3.0 License:MIT
Release:1el6 URL:
Boto is a Python package that provides interfaces to Amazon Web Services. It supports S3 (Simple Storage Service), SQS (Simple Queue Service) via the REST API's provided by those services and EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) via the Query API. The goal of boto is to provide a very simple, easy to use, lightweight wrapper around the Amazon services.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Tue Apr 17 13:07:22 2012
Packager:RazorsEdge Packaging <rpmpackaging{%}razorsedge{*}org>
Size:4.00 MiB


* Wed Mar 21 05:00:00 2012 Robert Scheck <robert{%}fedoraproject{*}org> 2.3.0-1
- Upgrade to 2.3.0 (#786301 #c10)
* Tue Mar 13 05:00:00 2012 Robert Scheck <robert{%}fedoraproject{*}org> 2.2.2-1
- Upgrade to 2.2.2 (#786301, thanks to Bobby Powers)
* Sat Jan 14 05:00:00 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng{%}lists{*}fedoraproject{*}org> - 2.0-2
- Rebuilt for

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