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php-odbc: A module for PHP applications that use ODBC databases.

Name:php-odbc Vendor:RazorsEdge Packaging <>
Version:4.2.2 License:The PHP License URL:
The php-odbc package contains a dynamic shared object that will add database support through ODBC to PHP. ODBC is an open specification which provides a consistent API for developers to use for accessing data sources (which are often, but not always, databases). PHP is an HTML-embeddable scripting language. If you need ODBC support for PHP applications, you will need to install this package and the php package.

Arch: i386
Build Date:Sun Aug 13 14:14:57 2006
Packager:RazorsEdge Packaging <rpmpackaging{%}razorsedge{*}org>
Size:128 KiB


* Sun Aug 13 19:00:00 2006 RazorsEdge Packaging <rpmpackaging{%}razorsedge{*}org>
- Added mhash and mcrypt support.
- Added mbstring subpackage.
* Sat Jun 24 19:00:00 2006 Marc Deslauriers <marcdeslauriers{%}videotron{*}ca> 4.2.2-17.21.legacy
- replaced CVE-2006-0208 patch with the one from RHEL21
- prevent integer overflow in wordwrap (CVE-2006-1990)
* Sat Apr 29 19:00:00 2006 Marc Deslauriers <marcdeslauriers{%}videotron{*}ca> 4.2.2-17.20.legacy
- removed TSRMLS_CC from CVE-2006-0996 patch

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