Packages not in Groups

z-push: ActiveSync over-the-air implementation for mobile syncing

Name:z-push Vendor:RazorsEdge Packaging <>
Version:2.2.1 License:AGPLv3 with exceptions
Release:1.el7.centos URL:
Z-Push is an implementation of the ActiveSync protocol which is used 'over-the-air' for multi platform ActiveSync devices, including Windows Mobile, Android, iPhone, Sony Ericsson and Nokia mobile devices. With Z-Push any groupware can be connected and synced with these devices.

Arch: noarch

Build Date:Wed Jun 3 00:44:39 2015
Packager:RazorsEdge Packaging <rpmpackaging{%}razorsedge{*}org>
Size:1.47 MiB


* Mon Jun 1 05:00:00 2015 RazorsEdge Packaging <rpmpackaging{%}razorsedge{*}org> 2.2.1-1
- Upgrade to 2.2.1
* Mon Jun 30 05:00:00 2014 Robert Scheck <robert{%}fedoraproject{*}org> 2.1.3-1
- Upgrade to 2.1.3
* Tue May 27 05:00:00 2014 Robert Scheck <robert{%}fedoraproject{*}org> 2.1.2-1
- Upgrade to 2.1.2

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