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gallery-remote: Gallery Remote - client-side frontend to Gallery

Name:gallery-remote Vendor:RazorsEdge Packaging <>
Version:1.5.1 License:GPLv2+ URL:
Gallery Remote is a client-side Java application that provides users with a rich front-end to Gallery. This application makes it easier to upload images to your Gallery.

Arch: noarch
Build Date:Wed Aug 27 18:46:04 2008
Packager:RazorsEdge Packaging <rpmpackaging{%}razorsedge{*}org>
Size:1004 KiB


* Sun Aug 24 19:00:00 2008 RazorsEdge Packaging <rpmpackaging{%}razorsedge{*}org> 1.5.1-b39.1
- First build.
* Sun Aug 24 19:00:00 2008 PLD Team <feedback{%}pld-linux{*}org>
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
$Log: gallery-remote.spec,v $
Revision 1.16  2007-11-30 19:23:51  glen
- fixed desktop file; rel 1
Revision 1.15  2007/07/02 15:59:15  glen
- update to 1.5.1-b32
Revision 1.14  2007/07/02 12:30:56  glen
- larger memory limit to be able to upload videos
Revision 1.13  2007/06/13 10:08:00  glen
- new version. i think
Revision 1.12  2007/06/13 10:06:56  glen
- new url
Revision 1.11  2007/04/07 12:00:45  rotom
- added 1.5.1-b31 patch
Revision 1.10  2007/02/13 07:16:44  glen
- tabs in preamble
Revision 1.9  2007/02/12 00:48:50  baggins
- converted to UTF-8
Revision 1.8  2006/05/02 19:56:22  glen
- up to 1.5
Revision 1.7  2005/09/05 04:15:57  ankry
- separate desktop from spec; pl in desktop
Revision 1.6  2005/09/04 23:04:08  glen
- need chdir otherwise .properties files cannot be found
Revision 1.5  2005/09/04 23:00:57  glen
- added desktop entry
Revision 1.4  2005/09/04 19:00:00  qboosh
- pl
Revision 1.3  2005/09/04 18:52:49  glen
- worksforme
Revision 1.2  2005/09/04 17:02:02  glen
- md5
Revision 1.1  2005/09/04 17:01:07  glen
- initial

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