Packages not in Groups

initscripts: The inittab file and the /etc/init.d scripts.

Name:initscripts Vendor:RazorsEdge Packaging <>
Version:7.93.31.EL License:GPL URL:
The initscripts package contains the basic system scripts used to boot your CentOS system, change runlevels, and shut the system down cleanly. Initscripts also contains the scripts that activate and deactivate most network interfaces.

Arch: i386
Build Date:Tue Dec 25 13:50:42 2007
Packager:RazorsEdge Packaging <rpmpackaging{%}razorsedge{*}org>
Size:3.50 MiB


* Tue Dec 25 19:00:00 2007 RazorsEdge Packaging <rpmpackaging{%}razorsedge{*}org> 7.93.31.EL-2.centos4.1
- Reapplied patch that adds support for encrypted filesystems.
- Reapplied patch that restores SElinux attributes to tmpfs /tmp.
* Sat Nov 17 19:00:00 2007 Johnny Hughes <johnny{%}centos{*}org> - 7.93.31.EL-2.centos4
- Reapplied the CentOS 4 patches
- added remove rc.sysinit.orig to spec file
* Mon Sep 10 19:00:00 2007 Bill Nottingham <notting{%}redhat{*}com> - 7.93.31.EL-2
- kmodule: use a better algorithm for finding modules (#270741)

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